We also made animal masks and paper bag puppets, practiced animal pose yoga, played follow the leader (animal style), and read some of our favorite animal stories (including The Very Busy Spider/Eric Carle, McElligot’s Pool & Fox in Sox/Dr. Seuss, Inside a Barn in the Country/Alyssa Capucilli, and assorted Shel Silverstein poems about animals).
Pizza Party Friday was a delicious treat, and we will continue to do this every other Friday for the rest of the summer. We traveled to Hippo Park (CPW & 91st St), but discovered it was closed. We learned that they are resurfacing that playground, and it will be ready in two weeks. Fortunately, the Wild West Playground was just a bit further north, and we had a great time jumping, swinging, digging, and sliding. We played with bubbles, and there were even musical performers at the playground, providing some nice background music, complete with trumpets and tubas!
Swimming on Wednesday was great, and thanks to everyone for coming on time and to the right place… FLAWLESS!! We will continue to meet there on Wednesdays at 9AM for the next four weeks.
Thanks to everyone who has provided snack for camp. We love variety, with good health in mind… fruit, crackers, cheese, yogurt… .these are all loved by the children. And remember…. NO NUTS! ! ! ! !
A few closing reminders:
If you arrive late to camp (after 9:10), then you must report to the main entrance on Columbus Ave., as we are unable to open the side door after that time. Please arrive to camp on time!
Finally, if you are thinking about extending your child’s enrollment for camp (last week of camp is August 11-15), you must go to the front desk by July 18 to let them know.
This week, we will be interacting with all things ooey, gooey, squishy, ploppy, stretchy, and sticky. Oh yea!!!

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