Let's Play Hatch
The hatching.... has BEGUN!!!
Exciting? YES!!!
After twenty-six days of incubation, some ducklings began to bust out of their eggs, and declare to the world, "Here I am, let's party!"
We learned on Friday that our ducks were actually 'supposed' to hatch a few days before the 28th day, so they began the hatching process right on time.
I've checked in with the eggs during the weekend, and as for progress since Friday, well, you'll see in the morning. . . !

The children helped to prepare the duck tank, where they will be moved one day after fully hatching. Food, water, and lots of wood chips (bark from fir trees). The children were amused by the idea that the ducks would go to the bathroom anywhere on the tank floor.
Ella's X-Ray: Last week, Ella showed the class what she's really made of! She used our light table to tell the class about her old x-ray, and how she was able to make body straighter. On the x-ray, she showed us her collarbone and backbone, and some children noticed her cheeks and ears, which were also visible! Afterward, a few children wanted to make drawings of her skeleton.

The final step for our clay creations: Mod Podge! By applying a layer of this thick white material, the children were able to seal and protect their sculptures (the ones displayed at the art show). Goes on white, dries clear! This is interesting because a few children were hesitant to apply the Podge, since it looks like white paint. After much reassurance by their teacher, they can then watch it magically change to a cool clear shiny coat.

Our garden goodies have been growing! I'm sure you've seen our windowsills, teeming with fresh grass, wildflower sprouts, basil, rosemary, mint and lavender. We've also planted green bean seeds and strawberry seeds. Along with other classes, we have planted cucumbers and lettuce on our playground garden (aka 'The Butterfly Garden"). This garden has yielded a few new discoveries for the children, including ants (two kinds), centipedes, earthworms, and butterflies. We've also used the community garden for additional exploring. Armed with magnifying glasses, clipboards, and books, the children set out to observe, represent, and enjoy!

The children had a lot to say about our field trip / sensory hike last Thursday:
Kurt: I like the pet turtle, because the head goes in and out.
Will: I liked the centipede. It was a little one.
Eddie: My favorite part was when all of you closed your eyes and you were hearing the birds, crickets, and waterfalls.
Christopher Vullo: I heard crickets, and some swans.
Christian: I liked the cave. There was a bear inside!
and Ella: The field trip was long because the bus got lost a little.
Enjoy the rest!

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