Saturday, January 26, 2008

Preschool Prepares to BLAST OFF

Our space technicians have been a truly dedicated crew, making sure our space shuttle is fully prepared for its inaugural launch next week. Work on the shuttle has been a genuine team effort, and everyone has been able to contribute in some way. Paint, glue, construction paper, crayons, markers, toilet paper tubes, plastic containers, three kinds of adhesive tape; all are essential to the performance of the children's work. Below are several photos, as well as a movie, showing how involved the children are with this project. It's wonderful!

On Friday, the children excitedly assembled telescopes, a useful tool to gaze at the infinite heavens above. It can be hard to see much in the night sky in this city, but the moon is usually visible. Next time you're out with your child, take a look up and see
what's there. I won't ever forget looking through a telescope when I was younger, in Florida, and actually seeing Saturn and its rings, would you believe it? It was truly a humbling and perspective-changing experience.

On display in the classroom are beautiful outer space scratch art drawings made by the children. They include imaginative descriptions involving many different planets, space ships, stars, aliens, and even the mysterious 'Planet X.'

Jessie, our new music teacher, sang a wonderful song with us about stars (video posted below). Her classes are very interactive, and every child is given multiple chances to offer their own approach to an activity.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the pot luck dinner. It was a lot of fun, and there was so much delicious food! Remember, the school auction is approaching (February 11), so be sure to come out and support Columbus Preschool.

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