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As usual, we have been very busy in the classroom! Lots to tell:
We have had a healthy dose of special guest readers. We love when parents or family members come in to read stories! Please don't hesitate to mention if you would like to come in to ready a story, or if you have an activity you would like to do (such as pretzel-dipping, below) with the children, as we can easily accommodate your ideas.

Despite the cold weather, some of the children opened up an ice cream shop in the classroom. They used 'insta-snow' from the water table, and offered frozen treats to anyone who came by. Delicious!

We get quite bundled up when we go outside to enjoy the playground. Of course, we only go outside if it's safe for the children. We may not go out for the whole period, or at all, if the weather is inclement. Assume that we will go outside everyday, so your child is prepared!

By special request from the children, Adelaide taught us how to do the limbo, and it was a blast!
We also learned about Parranda, the Puerto Rican holiday tradition that involves waking up your neighbors during the night with lots of festive music! We pretended to be fast asleep, and once our neighbors came by, we partied!
The pyramid, which has begun its 'crumbling' phase, has been enjoyed by every member of the class. The children love playing inside it, and did an incredible job during construction.

We have also been making many winter decorations for the classroom, including some lovely pine cones and snowflakes, both on display on the windows.

Curriculum-wise, we are moving into a unit on either 'The Body,' or 'Space.' The children have been responsive and interested in both, so stay tuned..!